Logistical companies often rely on their vehicles, so it makes sense that they are maintained to a high standard. This post lists some of the essential tools that are used for vehicle maintenance.
Speciality Tools and Equipment
Speciality tools are often vehicle specific tools that are designed to do just one or two different jobs, and nothing else. For this reason speciality tools are often hard to come buy, but necessary tools for certain jobs. Useful speciality tools include disconnects for removing fuel and air conditioning lines, tubing wrenches and spindle-nut sockets.
Many mechanics like to designate a drawer solely for sockets, and for good reason. Sockets are almost universally used by mechanics. The impact, deep-wall, short-wall, 12-point, 6-point, hex and Allen, metric, and standard sockets of all sizes are some examples.
Gasket Scrapers
A gasket scraper is a hand tool used to remove gasket residue, it has a handle, long shaft and blade and is available in many different shapes and sizes.